текстLike you were in a porcelain dream
Hit the light out and pull me back inside
Cleaner parts for the delicate queen
She's been broken by me too many times
So kneel, never bored beside her throne
Polluted water that's keeping me warm
So feel as I twist her out of shape
I've had these wings kept in me too long
Sink deeper as I clean her
No mirror can catch our reflection no more
Cover up all the scars that seem to be singing to me softly
Come around watch her crawling into me as she slowly comes undone
Feel her tongue as it presses deep into me
And then licks my heart clean
Took a long time to fix her and now that she's whole
I'm gonna break her again
We feel so safe 'cause there's nothing that's confusing
So lead the way, come and teach me, all around us...
Skin peals, then it heals
How I need it to bleed when she digs in her teeth
But don't fear, it's not real
And this warmth is all I ever want to feel
She's the one that's taking control, control
Of the world I own and
She's the one that makes me belong, belong
When she comes, she comes for me
Into me, in my dreams
And I just can't let it go
And I come alive
When my mind dissolves all I've ever known
And I drip, I drip it onto you
I drip, I drip it onto you
I drip, I drip it onto you
Again and again
Yeah I drip, I drip it onto you
I drip, I drip it onto you
I drip, I drip it onto you
Again and again Вчера, по дороге домой темным вечером под декабрьским дождем, эта песня вдруг выпала в моем плейлисте. Надо сказать, она была очень вовремя, потому что ничто так не ассоциируется у меня с ней, как сырая мгла, темнота, пар изо рта и стекающая по голым ветвям холодная вода. Чернота и влага. Вот самое стойкое впечатление.
Из всей лирики Кена Ллойда текст "Drip" - пожалуй, мой любимый. Есть нечто в этом тексте про больную любовь и секс, от чего не по себе, нечто жуткое, но то, от чего нельзя отвести глаз.